
Medisource Hospital Pharmacy Technician – Finalists

It is evident that a hospital pharmacy technician plays an increasingly important supporting role as pharmacists are increasingly spending more time with patient consultations and engaging local stakeholders.

The shift in emphasis from dispensing to healthcare provision has meant that the wider pharmacy team has to pull together – hospital pharmacy technicians capture the essence of this in everything that they do.

This Honour recognises the winner’s important contribution to the hospital pharmacy technician profession. The winners’ achievements will be an inspiration to those pursuing innovative practice, to those striving to raise standards and to pharmacists who, through their professionalism, provide models for others within hospital pharmacy.

The Finalists are:

  • Aoife Mulcahy – Blackrock Clinic
  • Tara Hayden – St Luke’s Hospital
  • Anne O’Flynn – UL Hospitals Group
  • Caroline Monahan – Tallaght University Hospital
  • Amy Plunkett – Mater Misericordiae University Hospital

The Honours are hosted by Hospital Professional News to promote excellence, dedication and innovation within the hospital sector.

Hospitals across Ireland have faced an especially challenging few years. They have risen to the occasion with aplomb. That’s why we want this year’s Honours to be the biggest yet – not only in recognition of excellence but as applause to the teams around Ireland who helped keep the country going under severe and sometimes unrelenting pressure.

The Hospital Professional Honours will represent a celebration of all hospital healthcare teams who were working tirelessly on the frontline.

The Honours are the most influential and respected networking event, lauding excellence, innovation and service development; judged by key influencers including renowned respected experts. Their foundation lies in our collaboration with leading pharmaceutical companies; without their investment and support, the event would not be possible.

We were overwhelmed with both the quantity and quality of the entries this year, making it an extremely difficult task for our esteemed judging panel.

Hospital Professional Honours – Saturday 14th September 2024 – Dublin Royal Convention Centre

View all Finalists HERE

This Honour is sponsored by Medisource

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