
Have your say on the national review of specialist cardiac services

A public consultation by the Department of Health on behalf of the National Review of Specialist Cardiac Services is currently underway. The deadline for the submission of responses is 1 p.m. on Friday 17th August. The link to complete the consultation questionnaire is available at

Responses to the consultation will help the Steering Group in making appropriate recommendations for the national configuration of specialist cardiac services so as to achieve optimal patient outcomes at population level with particular emphasis on the safety, quality and sustainability of the services that adult cardiac patients receive.

The Department of Health would like to thank everyone who has completed the survey to date and to remind people that double entries will not be analysed during the evaluation of the consultation data.

Minister for Health Simon Harris said “From the outset, patients and their families have been considered as key stakeholders in the review process, with patient representatives sitting on the Steering Group as members.  This public consultation demonstrates inclusivity of patient contribution into policy decision making and I hope everyone who wishes to will take the opportunity to have their say.”

Professor Philip Nolan, Chair of Steering Group for the National Review of Specialist Cardiac Services, said “This public consultation is an important element of the National Review.  It will help our Group to make decisions about what we recommend as a blueprint for future services. We look forward to incorporating the views of our citizens into that picture, as well as using the best available evidence and international expertise to provide the Minister with a plan for the next ten to fifteen years.”

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