
Minister Harris publishes Sláintecare Implementation Strategy marking important milestone towards delivering health reform

The Minister for Health, Simon Harris has published the Sláintecare Implementation Strategy.

This marks the latest in a series of important milestones towards delivering a programme of health reform arising from the Sláintecare report.

Minister Harris said “The Sláintecare Report sets out a vision for the future of healthcare over a ten-year period. Since the report was published, the Government has been moving forward on a number of fronts, in order to translate this vision into reality. We are committed to achieving this transformation, which will require investment, strengthened governance and accountability, and a coherent programme of reform.

Earlier this year, the Government provided for significant investment in new capacity and redevelopment across the health service in the National Development Plan.

“This will enable the expansion of capacity across the community and acute hospital sectors and will also provide for the development of new elective-only facilities – a key Sláintecare recommendation. This investment programme will be a key catalyst for reform.”

Key actions in the first three years of reform include:
· Establish HSE Board and reconfigure the HSE to improve accountability and support integrated care
· Deliver a new Model of Healthcare through the development of a new Citizen Care Masterplan for the health service and new models of care that are population-health centred
· Launch a programme of public engagement on Health Outcomes and a nationwide series of events in 2019/2020 to promote health and well-being
· Enhance Community Care, including the expansion of community-based diagnostics facilities, a new community nursing service and a continued programme of investment in primary care centres
· Reform the GP contract, including providing for a greater role in chronic disease management
· Continue investment in community mental health services
· Introduce a new statutory scheme for homecare services
· Review the eligibility framework to develop a roadmap to achieve universal entitlement
· Increase bed capacity in public hospitals
· Choose locations and commence the planning process for new elective hospitals in Cork, Dublin and Galway
· Tackle long waiting times for acute hospitals by continued investment in the NTPF and the development of an integrated waiting list management system
· Develop a national clinical strategy and hospital group strategic plans to guide organisation of hospital services
· Roll out eHealth systems and infrastructure

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