Management of Skin cancer and Melanoma
Skin cancer in Ireland
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in Ireland. More than 11,000 cases are diagnosed annually accounting for over one-third of all cancers diagnosed, yet most skin cancers could be prevented.
There are 2 main types of skin cancer: Non-melanoma skin cancer and melanoma skin cancer.
Non-melanoma skin cancer includes:
- Basal cell skin cancerthis is also called Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)
- Squamous cell skin cancerthis is also called Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
This is much more common but less aggressive than melanoma skin cancer. It slowly progresses over months or years.
Melanoma Skin Cancer
Melanoma is a less common but more aggressive type of skin cancer. The most common sign is the appearance of a new mole or change in an existing mole. It is more likely to spread to other parts of the body if not caught and treated early. Commonly affected areas are the trunk (chest and back) in men and the legs in women. It has a high 5-year survival rate of 93% if caught in time.
It is important for everyone to familiarize themselves with all the moles on their skin and not only look for changes in existing moles, but also any new spots that may appear.
What changes to look out for:
A – Asymmetry – if you draw a line down the centre of your mole, is it larger on one side?
B – Border – are the borders of your mole uneven, jagged or notched?
C – Colour – has your mole changed colour over time or does it contain several different colours?
D – Diameter – is the circumference of your mole larger than the top of a rubber on a pencil (larger than 6mm – the size of a pencil rubber), although melanomas can sometimes be smaller than this.
E – Evolving – has your mole changed in height, appearance or are you experiencing any changes within or around your mole (eg. itching, bleeding, crusting)
It is important to know what is normal for you and what your normal skin looks like. If you are
concerned about a change in your skin, or any of the above symptoms, see your GP.
What are the risk factors?
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation
Exposure to UV radiation is the main risk factor responsible for skin cancers. It is emitted naturally from the sun and from artificial sources such as sunbeds and sun lamps.
It’s important to remember that skin damage doesn’t just happen on holiday or in hot, sunny places. The sun is often strong enough to cause damage in Ireland, even on a cloudy day.
Sunbed usage
Research shows that the type of ultraviolet light used in sunbeds (UVA) can cause all types of skin cancer. The International Agency for Research into Cancer (IARC) has classified using sunbeds as a cause of melanoma. Just one session can increase your risk of developing cancer by 20%. The risk is highest for people who use a sunbed before age 35. Sunbed use by under-18s is banned in Ireland.
Skin Type
Fairer skinned people with lots of freckles and moles are more at risk. However, remember that if you have skin, you can get skin cancer.
Having lots of Moles
The more moles you have on your body, the higher your risk of melanoma, meaning you should be very careful about exposing yourself to the sun and keep an eye on all your moles particularly new moles. The majority of melanomas occur on new moles.
Most birthmarks, carry no risk of developing into a cancer. A very rare type, called a giant congenital melanocytic nevus, can develop into a melanoma if it is larger than 20cm. Check all birthmarks regularly for any signs of change.
The risk of melanoma increases with age. However, compared to most other cancer types, melanoma is also quite common in younger people.
Family history
Your risk of melanoma is higher if you have a close relative who has had melanoma.
Genetic risk for Melanoma
Some families tend to have large numbers of moles, or moles that are unusual (atypical moles). The atypical moles tend to be an irregular shape or colour and may be larger than usual. An inherited condition called familial atypical multiple mole melanoma syndrome (FAMMM) increases your risk of melanoma.
The SunSmart Code
Five steps we can take to help protect skin from the harmful effects of the sun while outdoors.
- Seek Shade if outdoors from 11am to 3pm, when the sun is at its strongest. Always use a sunshade on a child’s buggy
- Slip on some clothes made from close woven material that covers skin.
- Slap on a wide brimmed hat to protect exposed skin such as face, neck, and ears from harmful rays
- Slide on sunglasses with UV protection to shield your eyes from UV rays and protect yourself from cancer and chronic conditions such as cataracts.
- Slop on sunscreen with an SPF of 30+ for adults and 50+ for children, with high UVA protection and water resistant. Apply regularly and thoroughly throughout the day.
Visit for more information and support.
Written by Bernie Carter, Assistant Director of Nursing, Marie Keating Foundation
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