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University of Galway healthcare simulation facility secures European accreditation

Inter-professional Simulation and Skills Facility recognised as European Centre for Multispecialty Skills

University of Galway’s healthcare and patient safety simulation facility – the Irish Centre for Applied Patient Safety and Simulation (ICAPSS) – has secured accreditation as part of the Network of Accredited Skills Centres in Europe (NASCE).

The inter-professional simulation and skills facility, based at the University’s School of Medicine, has also been identified by NASCE as a European centre for multispecialty skills.

The simulation facility provides clinical and procedural skills training for medical, nursing and health sciences students and staff at Saolta University Healthcare Group.

The simulation staff and facility itself are now accredited in the USA, Europe and UK and are the recent recipients of an AMEE Aspire to Excellence award for simulation.

Commenting on the accreditation, Professor Isabelle Van Herzeele of Ghent University Hospital, chair of the NASCE accreditation board, commented that the facility was “rated highly and will become an important member of the NASCE network.”

The review team commended the broad range of educational activities being delivered at the facility, using up-to-date simulation modalities across undergraduate and postgraduate levels and the excellent facilities and equipment, with multiple flexible learning spaces. The review team also commended the centre leadership, technical support staff and the team’s dedication to multidisciplinary team training and high level of experience and expertise.

Professor of Simulation Education Dara Byrne, who leads the ICAPSS team, said: “We deliver very high quality inter-professional translational simulation across the continuum of healthcare professions’ education and accreditation is an important part of what we do. It means that the quality of our work and services are being recognised on an international stage.

“Learners are benefitting from immersive interactive learning in a safe learning environment that bridges the gap between being a student and working as a health professional. This supports their transition to clinical practice and working through improving capabilities and confidence.

“Our accreditations across Europe, the UK and the US places us at the top of the league when it comes to simulation-based education and research. I am delighted with the outcome of the accreditation process and proud of the team who have made this possible.”

The Simulation facility was officially opened in 2022 by the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly T.D., and has since made huge strides in innovative and modern health professions’ education. The activities reach the undergraduate, postgraduate and life-long learner across the continuum of the healthcare and across all health professions.

Professor Byrne added: “One of the next ambitions of our centre is to expand our reach out into the community and to support patients and carers who have medical devices in the home. We also aim to provide interprofessional taster programmes for second level students that will give them a flavour of healthcare programmes and modern health professions’ education prior to making choices about their future careers.”

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