Lucy Nugent Appointed Chief Executive of Tallaght University Hospital
The Board of Tallaght University Hospital (TUH) announced the appointment of Ms. Lucy Nugent as the new Chief Executive of the Hospital. It comes following an open competition initiated last November following the stepping down of Mr. David Slevin.
Commenting, Mr. Liam Dowdall, Chairman of the TUH Board said “I would like to congratulation Lucy on her appointment as Chief Executive. Her new role has come at an exciting time for the Hospital as we move forward into a new year with a number of planned service developments to enhance the delivery of high quality, safe treatment and care to our patients. We would also like to thank, most sincerely David Slevin for his valued service and wish him well in his future career.”
Responding, Lucy Nugent said she was delighted and honoured to take up the new role. “Tallaght University Hospital is one of the country’s largest academic teaching hospitals but it is also an incredible community in itself. I am deeply honoured to take on the role of Chief Executive at what is, a very exciting time for the organisation. The various roles I have worked in leading up to this position have provided me with a unique insight into how a hospital works and more importantly the importance of working together as a team. I am looking forward to working with the Board, the Executive Management Team and all of the staff in continuing the improvements to our service development and ensuring TUH remains a Hospital and place of employment where ‘people caring for people’ remains at the core of everything that we do”, said Ms Nugent.
Ms. Nugent joined TUH as Chief Operations Officer in 2014 and moved to the role of Deputy CEO in 2016. Prior to joining TUH she worked in the Acute Hospitals sector as Head of Quality Assurance & Risk Management, Clinical & Patient Services Manager in the Children’s University Hospital Temple Street. Prior to that she worked in a number of nursing roles. In addition to her nursing qualifications Ms Nugent has an MSc in Healthcare Management, BSc Nursing Studies, a Diploma in Infection Control and a Diplomat in Leadership & Quality in Healthcare. She is currently the President of the Health Management Institute of Ireland and is its representative on the European Association of Hospital Managers.