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HIQA to begin HTA on the repatriation of stem cell transplant services for children in Ireland

HIQA to begin HTA on the repatriation of stem cell transplant services for children in Ireland

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has published the protocol for its next Health Technology Assessment (HTA). It is on the repatriation of paediatric haematopoietic stem cell transplant services to Ireland. The protocol describes the approach that HIQA’s team will use to complete this piece of work.

The HTA will examine the choice of treatment location for stem cell transplants (allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT). It is to treat children with certain inborn errors of metabolism, inborn errors of immunity and haemoglobinopathies.

Currently, patients with conditions other than bone marrow failure syndromes or haematological malignancies (for example, leukaemia) must go abroad to receive HSCT. This treatment has historically been provided in the UK and is funded through the HSE’s Treatment Abroad Scheme. This HTA will examine whether or not transplants for children with certain inborn errors of metabolism, inborn errors of immunity and haemoglobinopathies should be carried out in Ireland.

Dr Conor Teljeur, HIQA’s Chief Scientist, said: “HSCT treatment can be long, with patients and their families sometimes needing to stay abroad for three to six months. During that time, siblings or parents may be separated from each other. Also, the availability of treatment is dependent on the host country’s capacity. This can impact on when families can access treatment.”

The HTA will analyse organisational, social and ethical issues. This is as well as the budget impact associated with providing HSCT for these conditions in Ireland rather than abroad. The results of the HTA will inform a decision by the HSE on whether to repatriate treatment and provide HSCT in Ireland for paediatric non-malignant HSCT indications.

You can find the protocol from the link at the top of the page.

The full Health Technology Assessment will also be published in due course.

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