
Saint John Of God Research Foundation Conference to shine a spotlight on human rights in the provision of mental health and disability services

The first in a series of online conferences to mark the 30th Saint John of God Research Study Day will take place this Tuesday the 10th of November at 10am. The first of the three conferences, which are free to attend, will examine Human Rights and the importance of the person in mental health and disability services. The keynote speaker is Professor Emily Logan, adjunct Professor at Irish Centre for Human Rights, NUIG.

The conference aims to shine a spotlight on the protection of human rights through the provision of mental health and intellectual disability services. Expert speakers will discuss the ethical and legal framework under which care is provided; the personal perspective of receiving care; and the challenges in providing a service in the context of a changing environment

The conference also includes a discussion between Michael Groves and Charles Searson, from the Wicklow Mental Health Engagement Forum, which will give a personal experience and unique insight into the evolution of patient care and mental health management over the past 15 years.

To read the full agenda and register for free for the 30th Saint John of God Research Study Day go to

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