45,000+ Demand Mental Health Services from Minister
A petition signed by over 45,000 people asking for 24/7 mental health services was handed to Minister for Mental Health, Mary Butler, in Waterford on Saturday.
Uplift member Stacy Quinn, who started the petition on MyUplift said:
“More and more lives are being taken everyday around the country by suicide. The only way forward is to engage with the people who have mental health illnesses and listen to their needs.
As someone who suffered with mental health in the past and who is also beavered several times by suicide, each suicide loss is a lesson learned. We need services; a 24/7 emergency department service can save lives.”
Michelle Byrne, Uplift campaigner said:
“Over 45,000 Uplift members understand the serious need for better mental services in Ireland. The government has failed to act for too long. Accepting this petition is the first step – we’re hoping to see action taken by the Minister in the upcoming Budget 2021 next month. But Uplift members will keep pushing until we see 24/7 emergency services rolled out across the country.”
The petition was handed to Minister of State for Health, Minister for Mental Health and Waterford TD Mary Butler.
Link to petition: https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/better-mental-health-services-1