
Innovative tele-consultations have commenced at Sligo University Hospital Pain Clinic

Sligo University Hospital Pain clinic has implemented the use of ‘Attend Anywhere’, a validated telecommunications platform which allows consultation with patients located remotely from the hospital.

This software is a secure, healthcare orientated platform, allowing remote outpatient access to clinical services.  It has been used extensively throughout the UK and Australia, providing audio, as well as visual, communication with the patient.

Sligo University Hospital serves a huge catchment area and patients often have very long distances to travel, undertaking long journeys that may be difficult for them.

The aim this initiative is to alleviate this strain of long-distance travel for chronic pain clinic appointments and reduce the frequency required to attend the hospital in person.

In addition, the streamlined access to patients is intended to increase the throughput of the clinic and as such reduce waiting times for the clinic.

The Pain Clinic Team see this initiative as a significant improvement for their patients and we believe that it has potential for other outpatient services in reaching patients for whom physical attendance at a clinic may be difficult for any reason.

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